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General Information About the Airport Belgorod
- The airport Belgorod is located near the city of Belgorod in Russia.
- The international name of the airport Belgorod is Belgorod.
- You can find the location of the airport Belgorod on maps using the geographic coordinates:
- Latitude: 50.64, Longitude: 36.59.
- You can get more information about the airport Belgorod on their website at http://www.belgorodavia.ru
- The runway elevation is 224 meters.
Individual Identifiers of the Airport Belgorod
The IATA code of the airport is EGO
The IATA code consists of 3 letters, developed by the International Air Transport Association, and is used by airlines and booking systems. You can enter the airport code in the search form for cheap airline tickets on the Aerotur.aero website.
The ICAO code of the airport is UUOB
- The ICAO code consists of 4 letters:
- The first letter represents the geographic region of the airport.
- The second letter represents the country Russia.
- The last letters represent the airport.
Nearest Airports to Belgorod
- IATA code: HRK, Airport: Kharkov, Distance: 83 km.
Important Information for Departures from/Arrivals at the Airport Belgorod (Belgorod)
Please note that local time is always indicated in airline tickets. Local time in Belgorod (Belgorod) is +3 GMT.
Contact Us
If you have any questions about selecting, booking, or purchasing cheap airline tickets, please contact the support service at Aerotur.aero, or email us at help@aerotur.aero. For questions related to departures from/arrivals at the airport, you can write to our online chats on Telegram and WhatsApp.